GENDER: Female (she/her)
OCCUPATION: Working odd jobs
SPECIES: Phoenix
PERSONALITY (SHORT): Outspoken, intelligent, usually cheerful but has a short temper, fiery, straightforward, strong-willed, defensive, authoritative and loud, creative, bold and appears confident, strong sense of justice, huge hypocrite
LIKES: Fighting for others, lazing around, drinking with friends, talking passionately about her interests, forgetting problems through fun activities or substances, video games and space movies, kickboxing, the beach and summer, surfing
DISLIKES: Being alone, silence, criticism of her lifestyle and facing reality, apologizing, any sort of work and labor, cold or rainy weather, being told to let certain things be
Blaze has muscular arms and legs. She tries to workout despite being kinda lazy.
She wears glasses, ranging from tortise to clear rimmed, it really doesn't matter. She only wears contacts when she has to otherwise she can't see shit.
She has quite a tan from being in the sun a lot, so sometimes she gets tan lines. Her natural color is pretty pale
Currently, she has an undercut with longer strawberry blonde hair on the top- it can be pushed back or flopped over.

Blaze may seem to have a carefree and generally laid back aura, but she hates when others get in her way of a good time. She doesn't like to contain her loud personality, letting herself be known wherever she is... but it's usually at a bar.
Though she refuses to admit it, Blaze drowns her sorrows with alcohol and other substances obtainable to her. She hates facing her own issues head-on but has no problem butting herself into other people's business and causing a ruckus. She comes off as a fiery hot-head when provoked or when she sees something happening that she feels is wrong. Blaze likes to protect the underdog, even if that means a fight.
Unfortunately, Blaze herself doesn't always meet the standards she sets for others. She can be incredibly irresponsible and act out selfishly, then deny she did anything wrong. She lives in the moment without discussing the possible future. She cannot take criticism but will actively dish it out.
Blaze is intelligent and technologically savvy, but she sucks at actually getting herself anywhere. And when she does, she'll get herself terminated for something stupid. This isn't entirely her fault, as the cards dealt to her were never in her favor.
Now she's deep in a hole she feels completely stuck in, living the day by day without knowing where she'll be by the end of it.